Israël 12th September 2019

write these words with great sadness over this unsettling loss. When two years ago you informed me that you were sick, you did so with a caring reserve and I understood that you were trying to protect us. We know you fought a brave and strong battle but this cumming desease would not allow you to get better.  HON your beautiful spirit will live on. You were a true  great professionnal always giving your best , always opened to learn and to share your learnings. HON I will never forget these two weeks we spent together while in a market research assignment in Cameroon and you took it upon yourself to make me feel at home by openning your family and friends to me. HON  I’ll see you again but until then my friend ...RIP and  you will always be with us in our hearts. Ismael S. Nacoulma Burkina Faso